A Musical Christmas Carol - Sensory Friendly Performance Tickets
Byham Theater | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The A Musical Christmas Carol – Sensory Friendly Performance performance at Byham Theater on Saturday 17th December 2022 is one astounding show to rival the all-time greats. The astounding musical range of the singers is remarkable and well worth the time away from home and the money spent to have first class entertainment. This show deserves all the friends you can bring together and invade the theatre – beg or steal money to get these tickets – this musical is so outstanding. If you miss this event – you will regret it for a long time. The performance lineup for this event almost guarantees capacity crowds and full houses for all performances . Do not be disappointed. Get your tickets now – do not wait – for this astounding performance.
You absolutely cannot watch a musical without singing your heart out, its the unwritten rule! Saturday 17th December 2022, A Musical Christmas Carol – Sensory Friendly Performance will SURLEY have you singing all the hits out loud as if you were up on the stage yourself. A whole crew of world class actors, writers, directors and everything else! This really is a show to be reckoned with in 2022! Back for a another US wide tour this winter, it's all everyone seems to be talking about these days! Hosted by the glorious Byham Theater of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, well knows for its equate interior, but seldom for its many other positive attributes – right in the heart of Pittsburgh, plentiful parking and a large range of amenities, so it's absolutely ideal for the big night! December is going to be a real outstanding month for you and your family or friends, A Musical Christmas Carol – Sensory Friendly Performance is kinda' a big deal, and it's going to be a memory maker for sure! Click 'get tickets' now to book yours today!