Jersey Boys Tickets
Byham Theater | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Have you heard the name of the theater sensation that’s coming to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Saturday 13th May 2023? Time’s up! The answer is none other than Jersey Boys, one of the finest theater companies on this side of the country and they’re bringing their spectacular talent and passion to the Byham Theater stage for a limited-time performance that you won’t want to miss. Critics are already referring to this event as "the can’t-miss musical of 2023” and theater lovers have noticed and are waiting for the ticket booths to open so that they can get theirs immediately. Order your tickets here and get some of the finest seats in the house. All you have to do is click the Buy Tickets button below to enjoy Jersey Boys live on Saturday 13th May 2023 at the Byham Theater.
Both the making of theatre and attending of the theatre contribute to education and literacy. Watching the characters talk back and forth in the theatre is tricky; it requires sharp attention, quick mental shifts, and nimble language skills. It teaches us about human motivations and emotions. In historical plays we get lessons in leadership and education. In contemporary plays, we learn about people and cultures in different parts or our own culture or in other countries. Studies have shown that students who participate in theatre do better in school. Theater is amazing in so many ways, so what’s stopping you from coming to watch a play? Let the story unfold directly in front of you, and come to the Byham Theater in Pittsburgh and experience one of the hottest shows in theater right now, Jersey Boys live!